Section 1 - Java
  1. Introduction to Selenium and Required soft wares setup
  2. Usage of Selenium, Eclipse, TestNg, SVN Repository, Maven and Maven.
  3. Executing sample program.
Section 2
  1. What is java and class and basic programs
  2. Creating Functions and Calling with parameters and return values.
  3. Difference between Class, abstract class, Interface and inheritance.
  4. Static and non-static functions and variables
Section 3
  1. Access modifiers public, protected, private and default for variables, functions and classes.
  2. Conditional Statements
  • If else, switch
  1. Control statements
  • For, while, do while and for-each
Section 4
  1. Scope of variable – local and Global variable and naming conventions for project, package, class, functions/methods and variables and coding standards and shortcuts.
  2. Data types – int, String, char, Boolean etc. and String methods.
  3. Arrays- Single dimensional and N and Dynamic arrays – ArrayList, HashTable and  HashSet
Section 5 - Selenium
  1. Integrating Selenium webdriver with eclipse using standalone jars and Maven.
  2. Sample program for Gmail Login functionality testing.
  3. Identifying different web elements id, class, name, cssselector, etc. in different browsers.
Section 6
  1. Firebug and Firepath Installation.
  2. Preparing xpath with different functions like contains, starts-with and following-sibling etc.
  3. Handling web tables, checkboxes and radio buttons with xpath.
Section 7
  1. Exception Handling – Try, Catch, Finally and exception types
  2. Debugging – step into, step over and step return
Section 8
  1. Actions on Browser – Launch browser, launch application, clear, click, enter, mouse hover, and dropdown, radio, checkbox, calendar, scrolling, web tables, and count of objects, Keyboard activities and Javascript executors and screenshots.
  2. Taking screenshot with webdriver
Section 9
  1. Handling pop ups(java alerts)
  2. Working with frames and iframes
  3. Handle multiple windows(Set)
Section 10 - Advanced
  1. Working with different browsers
  2. Custom profile and file download and upload
  3. About Auto It and Robot Class
Section 11
  1. Reading/Writing  Excel files using JXl and POI jars
  2. Reading/Writing  Flat files
  3. Reading general file/property file
Section 12
  1. Scripts recording and playback using Selenium IDE and export to Webdriver
  2. TestNg annotations and it's execution order and results analysis
  3. TestNg attributes in script and Xml file
  4. Data driven testing with data provider annotation
  5. Implementing keyword driven framework using reflection API.
  6. Hybrid framework
  7. Details about build management tool ant and build.xml.
  8. SVN repository basic usage - Checkout, update, commit and conflict.
  9. Jenkins continuous integration tool usage.