Install TestNG In Eclipse IDE

TestNG, as the name suggest, is the next generation test automation tool that fills the gaps in the JUnit framework. The basic idea behind the inception of these tools was to cut down the unit testing efforts during the Java development. However, these tools are now being utilized by the software testers for test-driven development.

Since TestNG is the new entrant, it brings a list of cool features like TestNG annotations, parallel execution, test case management, effective reporting and much more. Interestingly, there is a TestNG plugin that we can integrate with the Eclipse IDE and instantly start creating TestNG projects in Eclipse.

In this post, we’ll train you on how to install TestNG in Eclipse.
  • Install TestNG in Eclipse directly from the Eclipse Marketplace.
  • Installing TestNG Plugin in Eclipse using the “Install New Software…” feature. 
  • Install TestNG in Eclipse IDE via offline Jar files. 
  • Before you move to the next section, please make sure you have got the right version of Eclipse software installed. 
In case, you are uncertain or don’t have the software then use the below link to download Eclipse.

Install TestNG In Eclipse Directly From The Eclipse Marketplace.

All the new Eclipse IDE versions are now coming up with the Eclipse marketplace plugin. It’s the most easier and quicker way to install any third party plugin in Eclipse including the TestNG plugin. Eclipse Marketplace gives you a rich interface to search and install the plugins.

You can access this plugin from the help menu available on the main toolbar. Click on the “Eclipse

In the “Find” input field, write “TestNG” and press enter to search. The search will land you the desired TestNG plugin listed in the result section. There you’ll see an “Install” button with every result that appears in the search. Press it to continue installing the TestNG for Eclipse.

In this step, you’ll see a security warning which you ignore by clicking the OK button. After this Eclipse will restart to complete the TestNG installation process.