Execution Result Analysis and Bug tracking

3. Test Execution:
In this phase the test engineer will do the following
1.      They will perform the action as it is described in the description column
2.      They will observe the actual behavior of the application.
3.      They will write the observed value in the actual value column.

4. Result Analysis: In this phase the test engineer will compare the expected value with the actual value if both are matching they will decide the result is pass otherwise fail.
Note: If at all the test case is not executed because of any reason then the test engineer will keep block in the result column of test case template.

5. Bug tracking: Bug tracking is a process of identifying, isolating and managing the defects.

Test case Template:                   
Defect profile Template:
Test case id: The test case id based on which defect is found will be mentioned here in this section.
Defect id:

The sequence of defect numbers will be mentioned here in this section.
Issue description:
What exactly the defect is will be clearly described in this section.
Re producible steps:
 The list of a all the steps followed by the test engineer to identify the defects will be listed out here in this section
Defected by:
The name of the test engineer who has identified will be mentioned here in this section.
Detected date:
The date on which the defect is identified will be mentioned here in this section.
Detected build no:
The build number in which the defect is identified will be mentioned here in this section.
Detected version:  (change management team given version no)
The version number in which defect is identified will be mentioned here in this section.

Severity:  Severity describes the seriousness of the defect
Severity is classified into 4 types
1.      Fatal
2.      Major
3.      Minor

4.      Suggestions