Severity: Severity describes the seriousness of the defect
Severity is classified into 4 types
Fatal defects:
If at all the problems are related to the navigational blocks or un availability of main functionality then such type of defects are treated as fatal defects.
Major defects:
If at all the problems are related to working of the main functionality then such type of defects are treated as major defects
Minor defects:
If at all the problems are related to the look and feel of the application then such type of problems is treated as minor defects.
If at all the problems are related to the value of the application (user friendliness) such type of problems are treated as suggestions.
Priority: Priority describes the sequence in which the defects need to be rectified.
Priority classified into 4 types
Usually fatal defects critical priority, major defects will be given high priority, minor defects will be given medium priority and suggestions will be given as low priority.
But depending upon the situation priority will be changed by the development lead. Sometimes highest severity defects will be given low priority vice versa….
Case 1: least severity highest priority whenever the customer visits all the look and feel defects given highest priority.
Case 2: highest severity least priority
Whenever some part of module or application released to testing department as it is under construction the tester will usually raise it is fatal defect but the development lead treat it as least priority.
Severity is classified into 4 types
Fatal defects:
If at all the problems are related to the navigational blocks or un availability of main functionality then such type of defects are treated as fatal defects.
Major defects:
If at all the problems are related to working of the main functionality then such type of defects are treated as major defects
Minor defects:
If at all the problems are related to the look and feel of the application then such type of problems is treated as minor defects.
If at all the problems are related to the value of the application (user friendliness) such type of problems are treated as suggestions.
Priority: Priority describes the sequence in which the defects need to be rectified.
Priority classified into 4 types
Usually fatal defects critical priority, major defects will be given high priority, minor defects will be given medium priority and suggestions will be given as low priority.
But depending upon the situation priority will be changed by the development lead. Sometimes highest severity defects will be given low priority vice versa….
Case 1: least severity highest priority whenever the customer visits all the look and feel defects given highest priority.
Case 2: highest severity least priority
Whenever some part of module or application released to testing department as it is under construction the tester will usually raise it is fatal defect but the development lead treat it as least priority.