New: Whenever the defect is newly identified for the first time then by the tester he will set the status as new
Open: Whenever the developer accepts the defect then he will set the status as open.
Differed: Whenever the developer accepts the defect and wants to rectify it later stages then he will set the status as differed.
Fixed: Once the defect is rectified then the developer will set the status as fixed or rectified
Re open and closed: Once the next build is released the tester will check whether the defect is really rectified then he will set the status as closed otherwise re open.
Hold: Whenever the developer is confuse to accept or reject then he will set the status as hold When the defect is in hold status they will be a meeting on the defect and if it is decided as a defect then the developers well set the status as \open otherwise tester will be closed
Rejected: Whenever the developer feels that is not at all defect then they will set the status as rejected.
Whenever the defect is rejected then the test engineer will once again check it if at all they also feel it is not a defect then they will set the status as close or re opened
As per design : ( rare case) Whenever developer feels the testers are not aware of latest requirement then they will set the status as per design .Whenever the defect is as per design the tester swill once again check it by going through the latest requirements if at all they also feel it is as per design then they will set the status as closed otherwise re opened.